20+ Top Names That Mean Unity (for Girls and Boys)

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Unity is something humanity craves. Families, society, and everyone want to live in unity. So giving kids names that mean unity is a good thing and it shows your desire to see that the world becomes a better place for all to live peacefully. 

image of names that mean unity

Boy Names That Mean Unity

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This wonderful male name of Arabic origin has many beautiful meanings. It means “unity, one, individual, single, harmony, oneness”. 


A male name of Anglo-Saxon origin and it means “unity”. 


An Arabic name for males and it means “unity”. 


An Indian name for men meaning “the world is just like Om”. 


An Albanian name for males meaning “unity, union, and alliance”. 


A male name of American origin meaning “hearts together”. It also means “accord, unity, harmony”. 


A male name of Hindi origin and its beautiful meaning is “the doctrine of unity, worldly wisdom”. 


A male name of Arabic origin which means “friendship, unity, and harmony”. 


A masculine name of Urdu origin meaning “unity, harmony, friendship”. 


A Hebrew and a biblical name for males and it means “united”. 


A name of Hebrew/biblical origin meaning “united”. 


A beautiful name of Indian origin and it means “born of cosmic unity”. 


A Chinese male name and it means “unity, fragrant, nobility, aspiration, and quality”. 


A male name of Indian origin meaning “united companion, comrade”. 


A name of Arabic origin and it means “unity, nobility, fragrant, aspiration, handsome, quality”. 


An Arabic name for males which means “belief in the unity of Allah”. 


An Arabic name for males and it means “unity or loneliness”. 

Girl Names That Mean Unity

Photo of a cute baby. Names that mean unity are great


A feminine name of the Hindi language meaning “unity”. 


A beautiful feminine name of Hindi origin meaning “result of spiritual unity”. 


A beautiful name for females with a beautiful meaning. It means “the place where all things become one in a unity of blissful realization”. 


A feminine name of French origin meaning “she is unity”. The Irish variant of this name is “Sheonah” and it means the same thing. 


A beautiful feminine name of English origin meaning “unity”. 


Names that mean unity show the desire of the parents to see their family, society, and the world exist in a state of oneness. 

It also shows their desire for their child to grow up as a complete and whole adult. 

Apart from being unique, names that mean unity are also rare names. 

Related Post: 70+ Lovely Boy Names That Mean Gentle

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