Ovulation kits, also known as ovulation predictor kits (OPKs) use a small amount of your urine to detect an increase in luteinizing hormone. The quantity of this hormone increases before an egg is released.

This tells you when you are approaching ovulation.
Ovulation kits are used to know when there is a rise in the levels of luteinizing hormone in the body. This fertility hormone helps women to ovulate and release an egg.
Luteinizing hormone is always present in your urine and it increases 24 to 48 hours before your ovulation. The increase in this hormone triggers ovulation and aids the release of an egg from one of your ovaries.
You are at the most fertile part of your cycle when you are ovulating. You are most likely to get pregnant at this point.
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Being aware of when you’re ovulating can help increase your chances of getting pregnant if you are trying to conceive.
Couples who have been trying to conceive for at least one year without success, are advised to use an ovulation kit. This will help them know the best time to have sexual intercourse and increase their chances of getting pregnant.
Types Of Ovulation Kits

There are many types of ovulation kits and you can easily get one from a reputable pharmacy or online retailer. Some of the most effective and commonly used ovulation kits are:
1. Fertility monitors
Fertility monitors are electronic devices that can track the levels of estrogen and luteinizing hormone in your urine. Their main job is to predict peak fertility in each of your period cycles.
Fertility monitors record your ovulation cycle and help you identify your most fertile days thereby helping to increase your chances of conceiving.
2. Saliva tests
Saliva test or testing is also known as fertility ferning. It is an easy method of determining a lady’s fertility window. Before ovulation takes place, a woman’s saliva changes.
If you look at a sample of this dried saliva under a microscope, it has a pattern that is close to that of fern leaves.
Experts believe that this pattern is caused by the increase in the levels of salts and hormones, especially estrogen during ovulation.
How To Use Ovulation Kits

There are different ovulation kits, so anyone you purchase, make sure you follow the instructions that come with it. However, most of them share the same instructions and we will outline them here.
1. How to use urine-based ovulation kits
Use a sterile container to collect your urine or you can place the stick under you as you pee.
A colored band will appear on the stick. The test card may display a positive result which indicates that there is an increase in luteinizing hormone.
When this happens, it means that ovulation will happen in the next 24 to 48 hours. A digital ovulation kit indicator makes use of smileys to tell you when is your most fertile days.
Some ovulation kits can also check for increased levels of estrone-3-glucuronide (E3G) which is another important hormone in ovulation.
In using urine-based ovulation kits, you have to follow this step:
- Collect your urine sample at the same time each day you test
- Reduce your intake of fluids 2 to 4 hours before using your ovulation kit. Excess levels of fluids can dilute your urine and make it difficult for the ovulation kits to detect an increase in luteinizing hormone.
- Read the results on the test card within the time frame noted in the instruction manual.
- Note that a positive result will not fade but some negative results will display a faint second-color band if you wait for too long.
- You can’t reuse one test stick, so throw away each test stick after use.
2. How to use saliva-based ovulation kits
Saliva-based ovulation kits are very easy to use. All you have to do is add a drop of saliva on the slide and allow it to dry. Then view this slide under the microscope.
Patterns close to that of ferns begin to appear about 3 to 5 days before ovulation. You can re-use an ovulation microscope, they are also easy to use and discreet.
Saliva-based ovulation kits allow you to predict your peak fertility time by evaluating the levels of salt and estrogen in your saliva.
In using saliva-based kits, follow these steps to ensure the accuracy of your results:
- Do not brush your teeth, drink, eat, or smoke before the test
- Clean the lens or slide before you use it
- If you wear glasses, remove them before viewing your slide under the microscope so you can get a clearer view.
- Pull the test slide out of the case
- Put a drop of saliva from underneath your tongue on the surface of the slide. Try not to create air bubbles with the saliva on the slide.
- Allow the sample to dry for approximately 5 minutes
- Then look into the lens and adjust the eyepiece if possible. Then push the LED light button to see your test result.
- Remember to clean the lens after each use and put it back in the case.
When You Should Use An Ovulation Kit
Normally, a woman’s menstrual cycle is 28 days. So if you have a 28-day cycle, you will ovulate on day 14 or 14 days before your next period starts.
If you have a longer or a shorter period cycle, your ovulation date will vary. If you use an ovulation app, you should start testing on the first day that your app indicates fertile days.
Test your urine once daily during those fertile days. If you get a positive result, you should try and have intercourse that day and the day after. Once sperm is released into you, your eggs have 12 to 24 hours to become fertilized.
Also, on average, sperm can survive in a woman’s body for three days thereby making it possible for sperm to fertilize the egg a couple of days after sexual intercourse.
If you are affected by irregular periods, it will be difficult to know when to use ovulation kit. And some ovulation kits come with only a week worth of tests, this may not be enough for you to cover the window which you may be ovulating.
In this case, we advise you to wait and only test when you notice a release of thick cervical mucus.
For greater success, make sure you test about the same time each day and reduce your intake of liquid 4 hours before your test.
Some ovulation kits suggest that you test first thing in the morning, if yours comes with this instruction, keep to it. However, it is mandatory and most ovulation kits can be used at any time.
How To Read Ovulation Kits Results

Ovulation kits are similar to pregnancy kits, they show lines and one of the lines is the control line.
If the second line is darker than the first line, this shows that you will soon ovulate.
Sometimes, these kits can be very difficult to read but they are the least expensive methods of tracking your ovulation.
Some digital ovulation kits will tell you yes or no on the window, some use words while some use images like a smiley face to tell you that you will soon ovulate.
Other types of ovulation digital tests may tell you how fertile you are. They give you your fertile days just like an app will indicate but you will still have to look for the peak to be considered a positive result.
This positive result indicates that you will soon be ovulating.
10 Best Ovulation Kits
Just search for ovulation kits or ovulation apps online and you will be amazed at the thousands of options you will get. This makes some people a little overwhelmed.
Here we will give you 10 of the best ovulation kits out there.
1. KNOWHEN advanced saliva ovulation test kit

Unlike other ovulation kits which make use of urine, this brand here makes use of your saliva and deduces your ovulation results.
Before you brush your teeth or even eat breakfast, you are to put a drop of your saliva on the microscopic lens.
Once the saliva dries, read the results based on the pattern your saliva forms. You are not ovulating if your saliva dries in a dotted pattern.
However, if your saliva created a little “fern-like” pattern, you are either at the beginning or end of your ovulation phase. These phases are known as peri-ovulatory or postovulatory respectively.
Then if you see many fern-like patterns, you are ovulating and this, in turn, means that you are at your prime fertile time.
The more saline your saliva is, the higher the levels of estrogen your body will have and this is an indicator of ovulation.
The amazing things about this brand are that it can pinpoint your 5 most fertile days. If you want to get pregnant fast and see immediate results, use this.
The KNOWHEN saliva ovulation test kit is certified by the FDA and has 98.9% accuracy. The price is also pocket-friendly and it is reusable.
We think this is one of the best ovulation kits out there when it comes to price.
However, there are some drawbacks with this brand, it is won’t give accurate results for obese women and women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
2. Ava bracelet

This is more of an ovulation bracelet from AVA. It is also known as “Fertility FitBit” and it makes use of sensor technology to record data from 9 different parameters.
Some of the parameters are body temperature, heart rate variability, and resting pulse rate. This device inputs these data into the algorithm which is designed to predict your 5 most fertile days based on the data gotten.
To use this ovulation bracelet, you put it on when going to bed. In the morning, you take it off and plug it into your phone (android or iPhone) and within seconds, it will sync to your phone and show you your results.
This bracelet will let you know your fertile days without color-coding or pattern-reading.
What we love about this bracelet is many. It is FDA-approved and has a high accuracy rate. And the best part about the AVA bracelet is that it works for women who have irregular periods.
But the cons about this product is that it is expensive and doesn’t work for women with PCOS.
3. One step® 20 X ovulation tests

This ovulation kit is simple but that doesn’t stop it from being reliable and 99.9% accurate. All the strips are wrapped individually in foil and sealed and they have long expiry dates.
These test strips detect early ovulation by measuring the level of LH in your urine.
4. Clearblue digital ovulation test kit

This ovulation kit makes use of urine samples and it pinpoints your 2 most fertile days. It has 99% accuracy in detecting an increase in luteinizing hormone.
The results are easy to read as it shows smileys on if hormones are detected.
Its digital interface is easy to read and it has an ergonomic handle that makes it easy to carry and use. Don’t confuse this with pregnancy tests because they look alike.
You pee on the sticks and it will give you a smiley or + signal if you will ovulate in the next 24 to 36 hours.
It is accurate, easy to use, and pocket-friendly. Don’t use this if you have PCOS.
5. Clearblue fertility monitor

Do you know this fertility monitor can also be used to test for pregnancy?
The Clearblue fertility monitor is 99% accurate at detecting an increase in luteinizing hormone. And it also increases your chances of getting pregnant by 89%.
This monitor is easy to use and has an easy touch screen. You use this handy gadget along with strips.
Use a strip for the urine test, and then you place it in the touchscreen device so that the machine can read it.
The device will measure the LH levels and the monitor displays your 2 peak fertile days. It also displays the one to 5 high fertile days leading up to them.
It doesn’t stop there, the device stores your information from your last six cycles to personalize your readings.
However, the drawback with this device is that it is expensive and it does not give accurate results for women whose cycles are less than 21 days or longer than 42 days.
6. Pregmate LH test strips

Ovulation strips are also effective in tracking your ovulation and one of the best we can recommend for you is the Pregmate LH test strips.
You dip these plastic strips into a cup of your urine on the days you are testing. They can detect the levels of your luteinizing hormone.
They also work like pregnancy test strips. Also, they show you two lines when your ovulation is approaching, the first line is the test line while the second line is the control.
Your result isn’t positive until the test line is darker than or as dark as the control line.
These strips we recommend are cheap but accurate and easy to use. You can test often with this.
7. Wondfo ovulation test strips

These test strips work like other ovulation test strips and they make use of urine samples. But they are different from many other options in that there are no plastic wands to hold.
They are simply paper strips that look like litmus paper. To use these strips, you urinate inside a cup and dip the strip in the urine for 3 seconds.
Keep the strip aside for 5 minutes and your result will be ready. If you see a test line that is as dark or darker than the control line, it means that you will ovulate in the next 24 to 48 hours.
Wandfo is 99% accurate at detecting the levels of LH and they are ideal for ladies who will be testing a lot. They are also pocket-friendly.
8. First response 7 test ovulation kit and pregnancy test

This two-in-one ovulation kit gives you 7 days’ worth of ovulation tests and one early detection pregnancy test. This will help you to really measure your success.
It has an accuracy of 99% in measuring LH levels and the early detection pregnancy test is also 99% accurate when taken on the day you’re expecting your period.
9. Modern fertility ovulation test

This ovulation kit offers 20 tests to measure your levels of LH ad a free downloadable app to help you project your LH curve. It even works for women with irregular periods.
It helps you know your 2 most fertile days. This ovulation kit has an accuracy of 99% and you will be able to understand your cycle best from the data gathered.
You can also subscribe on the app and save it if you want to monitor your ovulation for a while.
10. Easy@home 50 ovulation test strips and 20 pregnancy test strips combo kit

This unique ovulation kit comes with 70 test strips altogether, 50 LH strips plus 20 HCG strips.
This brand is designed especially for women who are trying to conceive, hence the many ovulation test strips and pregnancy test strips.
It even works well for women with irregular periods and the pregnancy test strips can predict pregnancy sooner than a missed period.
These test strips have an accuracy of 99% and they help you reduce the chances of missing your LH surge. You simply dip the test strip in your urine until the dye rises into the result window, this should take 5 to 10 seconds.
And your results will be ready in 5 minutes.
When Is The Best Time To Have Sexual Intercourse?
The best time to have sexual intercourse is 3 days after a positive test result. This will increase your chances of getting pregnant.
Ovulation usually takes place a day or two after the surge in luteinizing hormone.
Can I Trust The Results On Ovulation Kits?
Well, ovulation kits are not perfect. Consistent negatives or false positives can happen. These can be caused by ovulatory dysfunctions like eggs not being released or excessive amounts of luteinizing hormones.
Some women can have an increase in their levels of luteinizing hormone without the release of an egg, this medical condition is known as Luteinized Unruptured Follicle Syndrome (LUFS).
Other women experience a false small rise in their levels of luteinizing hormones before it fully peaks, this is common in women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).
These conditions listed above can mislead one to time sexual intercourse early. If you have any of these conditions, you have to see a doctor ASAP.
If you are concerned about your results, check out our post titled Supplements for pregnancy, and then you have to contact a professional to discuss your fertility.
In the absence of ovulation dysfunction and if the tests are taken correctly, ovulation kits are 99% accurate. But ovulation kits cannot tell you if your ovulation occurs a day or two days later.
Factors That Can Affect ovulation Kit Results

The following factors can make you get an inaccurate result:
- If you have reached menopause
- If you have recently been pregnant
- Also, if you are pregnant
- Perimenopause
- Pituitary disorders
- Genetic disorders like Turner syndrome
- Some medications like menotropins, danazol, and injections containing hCG can affect your results. Also, if you are undergoing therapy with Clomiphene citrate, tell your physician so he/she can let you know the right timing to start testing. In most cases, you would be told to start testing 3 days after taking the last tablet.
- Hormonal contraceptives may affect your results. If you have stopped using contraceptives, you have to consult your doctor to know when the best time to get pregnant is.
One of the side effects of hormonal contraceptives is irregular cycles and it can take a few months for your menstruation to normalize.
It is advisable to wait until your period stabilizes before using ovulation kits. This will make testing easier and you will get an accurate result.
So wait to have at least two normal periods before you start testing with ovulation kits.
Can I Use Ovulation Kits As A Means Of Contraception?
We don’t advise or support using ovulation kits to track your ovulation to avoid pregnancy because these kits only identify the increase in luteinizing hormones 24 to 48 hours before ovulation.
And remember that the sperm can survive in the woman’s body for 3 to 5 days.
So for instance, let’s say you had intercourse before you tested and discovered the increase in luteinizing hormone, this means your egg can still be fertilized.
Conclusion On Ovulation Kits
Ovulation kits are great tools for testing ovulation and knowing your fertile days. We hope this post covers all your questions concerning this helpful tool.
If you have any other questions, you can drop them in the comment section or contact us and we will reply right away.
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