TWW – How To Survive (& Maximize) the two-week wait period

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For newlyweds or a woman trying to conceive, it is important to know that getting pregnant, sometimes, does not just happen quickly. For women trying to get pregnant, the two weeks wait could be a time of worry and anxiety. These two weeks wait (tww) period is the time between suspected ovulation and the possible fertilization of the eggs down to the time of taking the first pregnancy test.

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For those on fertility treatment, the tww is the period between insemination and when the first pregnancy test is carried out to get the needed results. So, for women – especially those undergoing treatment, they become agitated, worried, and curious about changes going on in their body.

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Therefore, the following are what you need to know about tww.

What is Tww?

The Tww period is the time between implantation in the uterine wall to the time when enough hormones hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin – the hormone produced by the placenta after implantation which confirms that you are pregnant) is produced for easy detection when a pregnancy test is carried out. This time of waiting is what is known as the two weeks wait (tww).

Tww Pregnancy Symptoms

Oftentimes most women tend to confuse the premenstrual symptoms (PMS) with the actual pregnancy symptoms. Some of the PMS symptoms could include bloating, sensitive breasts, and mild cramps. 

But, what are the signs that you are pregnant?

The most reliable pregnancy sign is when you have missed your period and later confirm it by carrying out a pregnancy test. However, the body might try to exhibit some symptoms.

So, whether you are pregnant or not – the Progesterone hormone controls many PMS symptoms like the mood swing, sensitive breasts, and others. 

However, if you are not pregnant, the Progesterone hormone stops production at about 10 days after ovulation which makes the symptoms subside, and eventually the period surfaces.

Besides, if you are pregnant – the Progesterone hormone continues its production and also the PMS-like symptoms. There’s a very thin line between the early signs of pregnancy and the PMS-like symptoms. 

These are:


This can be missed for the first sign of pregnancy. Besides, this can be a sign of conception which is a result of hormonal fluctuations which affect the digestive system. However, bloating disappears with the onset of your period.


You might begin to experience some nausea sensation as a result of hormonal imbalance. So, if you are trying to get pregnant and you begin to experience some morning sickness during the tww phase, this could be a sign of pregnancy.

Implantation bleeding

Also known as spotting – this occurs after the fertilization of the egg and it begins to develop and tries to implant itself onto the uterine walls. This takes about 6 to 12 days – so, blood spotting can occur even before seeing the blue pregnancy test sign.

Sensitive to smell

This is a usual occurrence for many pregnant women and this is as a result of the production of Estrogen which makes the nostril detect odors. However, this can begin as early as the tww phase and also increases morning sickness.

Rise in basal body temperature (BBT)

The basal body temperature rises when the body is at rest. After conception, it rises to 1⁰C and remains high during the pregnancy phase. Therefore, tracking your BBT, it will show if you have conceived during the two weeks wait phase or not.

Tenderness of breasts

Tenderness of breasts could be an early sign of pregnancy. This could also be a sign in women during the two weeks wait phase.


One of the early signs of pregnancy is mild cramping because the body is preparing for the fetus. It could also occur after conception – so, most women could also have feelings of cramp during the tww phase.


The two weeks wait after IVF could be the most difficult and emotional period of your life. However, this review shall seek to proffer ways of coping and also boosting your chances of getting pregnant;

Survival Tips For The Tww After IVF

Once the embryo has been transferred, you must avoid strenuous activities such as engaging in workouts and other energy-sapping activities.

All medications must be taken as at when due because this will help keep the embryo alive and aid implantation.

If possible, you could apply for a two-week leave from the office if you work – it takes up to 4 days for implantation after the transfer of the embryo, so, all forms of stress should be avoided.

Adequate rest and balanced diets (proteins, fruits, carbohydrates, and vegetables) are essential – you must desist from alcohol and other stimulants.

Do not engage in any sexual activities within these two weeks waiting phase – it helps to prevent infections.

Besides, you can consult with your doctor on the use of blood thinners because they protect the pregnancy and prevent small clots in the blood which could also cause miscarriage.

Blood spotting or implantation bleeding is a normal occurrence within the tww. So, this could be a sign of conception.

Tww After IUI

The tww after your Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) could be filled with anxiety and worries. IUI involves the timely injection of sperm directly into the uterus. This is often done during or before ovulation (when eggs are released).

So, it is advisable to wait 14 days after carrying out the IUI to take the pregnancy test. Usually, it takes 6 to 12 days for implantation and 2 to 3 days for the hCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin) to build up – so add up, that’s an average of 14 days (two weeks).

What To Do During Tww

Photo of a woman thinking; the TWW period can be challenging

So, whether you are going through fertility treatment or not – these tips will help you go through the anxiety and worries and help you arrive at your anticipated end – which is conception;

  • Healthy Lifestyle And Balanced Diets

One of the things to avoid is alcohol because this might affect the fetus. Take fibers because it helps digestion. Also, dark leafy vegetables, whole grains, nuts, blood nourishing foods, salmon, and pumpkins will help to develop a rich uterine lining.

  • Have A Realist Expectation

This will help you not to be obsessed especially when you begin to feel some pregnancy symptoms. These pregnancy signs are controlled by hormones and are present during the tww period. So, anxiety and worry will do no good; just focus less on the signs – after all, some women don’t know they are pregnant till about 2 to 3 months because they do not experience any pregnancy signs.

  • Do Not Rush Into Taking Pregnancy Test

The best time to take a pregnancy test is when your period is a day or two days late – this implies that if your period is due for Friday, you could wait till Saturday or Sunday before testing for pregnancy. So, testing early and having a negative result could cause depression and anxiety – so it’s advisable to test at a later date.

  • Rest More

You could take some time off if you are working to help you have adequate sleep – a high progesterone level makes you feel sleepy. The tww is also the time to avoid parties and other outings and be closer to the house.

However, you could engage in what you love to do as a way of relaxation – you could watch movies, listen to music, read a new book, and any other activity that gets you relaxed.

  • Seek For Support

It is always good to share your fears and concerns with people who have passed through the same phase – this can be helpful because they share their first-hand experience. Besides, you could also join an online community or fertility club where you can read through the experiences of different individuals. The tww phase is best experienced when shared with families, friends, and other relevant people, not alone.

Alcohol Drinking During Tww

It is highly recommended to stay off alcohol during the tww. So, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists (ACOG) – it is advisable for women trying to conceive to desist from alcohol. This is because alcohol can adversely affect the forming embryo and cause birth defects, fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs), low birth weight, and in severe cases – stillbirth.

Exercise During Tww

It is advisable not to engage in any strenuous activities in the first five days – physical exercise could cause uterine contraction which could adversely affect implantation. However, after tww, you could return to light exercise and not something strenuous.


How Does My Body Feel During The Tww?

There is always the feeling that you want to start your menstruation. Besides, you could begin to experience some cramping, fatigue, bloating, light bleeding, and tenderness of the breasts. However, these feelings do not support whether you are pregnant or not.

Can I Continue With My Medications During The Tww?

Yes! You should continue with your progesterone supplements – this makes you produce the same hormone produced at the early stages of pregnancy. So, whatever might be your treatment type, the injectable progesterone is inserted into the vaginal. Besides, estrogen may also be added to help thicken the uterine wall.

What Kinds Of Diets Should I Take?

It is recommended that you take balanced diets containing the right proportions of proteins, carbs, and enough dark leafy vegetables. Besides, you should avoid alcohol intake and continue with your vitamins.

How Effective Is The Home Pregnancy Test?

Carrying out a home pregnancy test could give false results (this could be a false positive or false negative).

So, the false positive could be as a result of the progesterone introduced into the body which helps to trigger ovulation – therefore, any home test at this point will detect the hCG even if implantation did not happen.

For the false negative, the home pregnancy test might not detect the low level of hCG in the urine even if implantation has taken place.

So, the blood test is the best form of detecting whether you are pregnant or not.

Final Thoughts

The tww phase is usually a time of anxiety and stress, especially for the woman. You must ensure that you do all to keep safe and anxiety-free.

If you don’t experience the symptoms of pregnancy during the tww phase – do not feel depressed because these signs of pregnancy differ from one woman to another.

These two weeks wait will not last forever – it is a phase that will soon pass and your hopes and expectations shall be accomplished. 

Lily & The MBH Team
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